Kuljanka Hungarian Style Pork Sausage Lidl Review

The Kuljanka Hungarian Style Pork Sausage from Lidl costs only £1.29 and is an absolutely smoky delicious preserved sausage slices! It is Lidl’s version of Gyulaer.

On trying the first one- you can taste the garlic infused into the sausage alongside the sharp paprika. It is salty but also fatty and has bold flavors of a slight sour tinge to contrast. They are not too greasy like a lot of preserved meats can be and they taste super smoky too!

Kuljanka Hungarian Style Pork Sausage

These taste amazing when layered on cheese spreaded sourdough bread. The cheese helps to contrast the rich paprika infused sausage with a light creaminess. While the toasted sourdough bread gives a slight yeastiness and crunch to the whole dish. Alongside these, you can also use them for panini sandwiches. I found them amazing in air-fried panini sandwiches!

Alternatively, they also do well in the typical cheese and crackers. However these are quite salty and it is not difficult to eat too much. Therefore, make sure to regulate how much you use as it could be an issue with some people.

It is a different experience from Lidl’s other preserved sausages like their Dulano Kabanossi. As it has a much more stronger taste and definitely much more smoked up.

Overall, these are absolutely wonderful and are great for quick snacking or making sandwiches with! You can also enjoy them in numerous other ways that are not explored here! They are super cheap for the quality that you get with them. Therefore it is a recommended buy if you’re looking for any charcuterie.

Kuljanka Hungarian Style Pork Sausage

Ingredients: Pork, Pork Fat, Nitrite Curing Salt (Salt, Preservative: Sodium Nitrite), Seasoning Mix (Spices and Spice Extracts, Salt), Pork Protein, Antioxidant: Extracts of Rosemary. Made with 150g pork per 100g of finished product.

Nutritional Information per 50g: 264 calories, 23.5g fat (8.8g saturates), <0.2g carbohydrates (<0.2g sugars), 13.0g protein, 1.76g salt.