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Bargain! Aldi’s Too Good to Go @ St Johns, Liverpool

Today we got a great deal at Aldi in St John’s in Liverpool- two sets of two fillets of salmon and a chicken breast inside this one. Though, honestly it really depends on how early you get there as the best will be taken by other people first! I got lucky- only one got taken before I got to the location.

st john's aldi too good to go surprise bag

In this surprise bag I got:

  • Potted basil
  • Chicken breasts
  • 2x two salmon fillets
  • 2x four s’more cakes
  • protein egg noodles
  • apple slices small pack

Which is a great deal! I did see on the conveyer (they put them there!) that one of the surprise bags was literally only the s’mores so please make sure you’re early when collecting as you don’t want to be that unlucky person to just get one type of item.

Though for sustainability and the environment there is too much plastic packaging which could be swapped out for biodegradable plastics. As long as you recycle it properly then it can be reused as its clear plastic.

This article is a part of my ‘Living Sustainably’ project where I attempt to change a large part of my life to withhold to living mostly off of Food Waste and other initiatives.