What’s Inside the Gregg’s Too Good to Go Surprise Bag

Gregg’s Too Good to Go Surprise bag was an absolute bargain! The whole pack is literally £2.59 compared to the Pound Bakery and you kind of get a lot more for what you pay! There are around seven items in total which is around the same as the pound bakery bag but for around sixty to seventy pence less.

gregg's too good to go bag

This was at the Liverpool Central Greggs location as well- what we got in the pack were four chocolate doughnuts, 2 sets of four sausage rolls, four jam doughnuts, Mexican chicken oval bites, ham sandwich and a pasty.

Unfortunately there’s a lot of plastic in the packaging which cuts away from the environmental aspect of Too Good to Go.

This article is a part of my ‘Living Sustainably’ project where I attempt to change a large part of my life to withhold to living mostly off of Food Waste and other initiatives.