Lidl’s Azenha do Mar Rosé Wine Review

Lidl’s Azenha do Mar Portuguese Rosé wine is a very delicate and light wine with strong fruity notes and only costs £4.75 which is super cheap for a great wine!

This wine has a delicate rosé salmon colour, as expected with rosé wine. I checked its clarity, and it was perfect and translucent. The colour is not intense but very light, suggesting that it’s a pretty young wine, but it is crisp and enjoyable!

After tasting it, it had a soft, tart taste. It has slight notes of raspberry though no other notes than fruitiness. The wine is very light and slightly acidy, which is my preference, and the flavours linger in your mouth for a few minutes thereafter, too, which has a delicate aftertaste.

Azenha do mar

Despite the lack of other notes, I feel this wine has some form of complexity, as it tastes somewhat refreshing. The wine does not have much of an aroma from a distance but has a slightly fruity smell when smelled up close.

I understand that the wine is relatively cheap, so it is scoring quite well for the price and the enjoyability of the experience. I do generally recommend this if you’re looking for a light rosé so I give a 4/5!