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Terrace Café at the MoMA Review

MoMA’s Terrace Café is a small and minimalist café at the top of the museum; its menu is small. It generally has great tasting food options and a medium selection of great wines! I found that the non-alcoholic drinks options are limited to coffee, tea and some sodas. You can find their menu here.

While at the café we ordered the quiche, gazpacho and a panna cotta dessert. Unfortunately, the portion sizes are a fine-dine size. This means that if you want a large amount of food you’ll need to order more. We remedied this issue by visiting the Shake Shack not so far outside of the MoMA gallery.

The Food at the Terrace Café Review

Terrace Café quiche

The quiche came with an absolutely delicious salad! It had been flavored with a tomato-based vinaigrette and the quiche also had sun-dried tomato’s inside! Both the quiche and the salad were light so we would suggest that you order another dish if you order this!

The quiche was easy to break apart and wasn’t hard at all while the flavor was both cheesy and tomatoey. The crust was a beautiful pastry which gave the quiche some crunchiness and more mouthfeel as it melted in your mouth!

Terrace Café gazpacho

The gazpacho was a cold soup with raw tuna and a lobter ceviche. The flavor was absolutely spectacular as it was both light and extremely rich! The raw tuna had a strong umami flavor while the tomato gazpacho had great depth. The ceviche when mixed into the gazpacho gave it a much more savory flavor profile as it was slightly salty. Hence, the saltiness really elevated this and brought the flavors out and into our mouths.

Terrace Café panna cotta

The panna cotta was amazing. The peach sauce at the top covered with a delicious crumble crust uplifted the light soft vanilla flavor of the panna cotta base. The crumble had been extraordinarily crunchy and had notes of nuttiness, toastiness and were really sweet. Comparatively, the peach sauce they had used was rich, intense and lightly sweet which gave a contrast to the light panna cotta base.


Overall, the Terrace Café had absolutely delicious food and we absolutely recommend it! Despite the food being light, they were all really delicious and it is tempting to order them again! If you ever visit the MoMA museum then you must visit their beautiful minimalistic café! Visiting the café is also recommended after seeing their design show they have ongoing now too!