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Aldi Snackrite Lentil Chips Review

The Aldi Snackrite Lentil Chips cost £1.39 and are an absolutely amazing buy! They are crispy, crunchy and tasty! They’re also cheap for how much you get and compared to other brands out there!

Aldi Snackrite Lentil Chips

Wow- these are crunchy and delicious! When you open the packaging of the lentil chips, you will see they are coated with seasoning! There is a large amount of seasoning on them. Putting one in my mouth- I could taste a kick of spice in its first notes. Then, it is followed by a note of tomato and a slight umami flavour. Ultimately, a toasty and smokey flavour finalises the BBQ flavour. Subsequently, the next taste you’ll find is a robust paprika flavour. These result in an explosion of flavour in your mouth and are absolutely delectable!

The crunchiness is due to the lentil chips being hard—but not too hard. When you eat them, they create a loud snap sound, which is immensely satisfying. Then, the lentil chip melts in your mouth, coating it with even more seasoning. These textures feel very pleasant and give depth to the lentil chips. The price of these lentil chips are amazing as they are both affordable and delicious!

Aldi Snackrite Lentil Chips Review Conclusion

Overall, the Aldi Snackrite Lentil Chips are a great buy as they are both cheap and delicious! The crunchiness, texture and flavor of these create a such an amazing sensation! It’s quite similar to the Harvest Snaps lentil crisps as well- though these I’d argue taste much better!

Ingredients: Lentil Flour, Potato Starch, Rapeseed Oil, Cornflour, Sugar, Salt, Flavourings, Rice Flour, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Yeast Extract Powder, Chipotle Chilli; Colours: Paprika Extract, Curcumin; Smoked Sugar, Tomato Powder.

Nutritional Information per bag (15g): 71 calories, 3.2g fat (saturates: 0.3g), 9.0g carbohydrates (sugars: 0.3g), 0.4g fibre, 1.4g protein, 0.27g salt.